This Affiliate Disclosure Policy outlines the relationship between Sunset Footsteps (“we,” “us,” or “Company”) and third-party companies, products, or services mentioned or linked to on our website (the “Site”). This policy explains how we may receive compensation from these affiliations and the transparency we maintain regarding such relationships.

Affiliation Relationships

We may participate in affiliate marketing programs with various companies, brands, and individuals. These affiliations allow us to earn a commission or compensation when you make a purchase or take a certain action through the links provided on our Site. Please note that our participation in these programs does not influence the content, topics, or opinions expressed on our Site.

Amazon Services UK Associates Program

We are a participant in the Amazon UK Associates Program. An affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

TravelPayouts Affiliate Program

We are a participant in the TravelPayouts Affiliate Program. Travelpayouts is a marketing program that focuses on the travel industry. It allows individuals or businesses to promote travel-related products and services, such as flights, hotels, car rentals, and more. We may earn a commission for every booking or sale made through these links. TravelPayouts and the TravelPayouts logo are trademarks of, or its affiliates.

Transparency and Disclosure

We are committed to maintaining transparency and providing accurate information to our readers. It is important to us that you are aware of our affiliate relationships and the potential impact they may have on the content and recommendations provided on the Site.

Whenever a link on our Site leads to a third-party website or product that is part of an affiliate program, you will find a clear and conspicuous disclosure statement accompanying the link. This disclosure statement may include phrases such as “This post contains affiliate links,” “We may earn a commission from purchases made through links in this post,” or similar language.

It’s important to note that while we may receive compensation for affiliate referrals. The prices of the products or services you purchase through our affiliate links remain the same. The commission we earn is often a small percentage of the total purchase price and helps support the costs of operating and maintaining our Site.

Your Choice and Trust

Our primary goal is to provide valuable and trustworthy content to our readers. The decision to make a purchase through an affiliate link is entirely yours. You are under no obligation to use these links, and your trust in us is of utmost importance. Our recommendations are based on genuine opinions and assessments of products or services that we believe may be valuable to our audience.

We appreciate your support through your use of affiliate links on our Site. It enables us to continue delivering high-quality content, resources, and information to enhance your experience.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Affiliate Disclosure Policy, please contact us at:

Last Updated on: September 30, 2023